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It's completely FREE to join Rentmore.ca

The only required information is Email and Password.

New Tenant User

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Basic Information
Connecting... First name cannot be longer than 20 characters.

Connecting... Last name cannot be longer than 30 characters.

Connecting... Password must follow these security rules:
1. The two passwords must be the same.
2. The length of the password must as a minimum be 6 characters.
3. It cannot contain invalid characters(%^`�~*'\|<>).

Password is required.

Connecting... Password must follow these security rules:
1. The two passwords must be the same.
2. The length of the password must as a minimum be 6 characters.
3. It cannot contain invalid characters(%^`�~*'\|<>).

Password is required.


Did someone refer you to sign up with Rentmore.ca? If so then enter their Id here.

If someone referred you to sign up with Rentmore.ca then please enter their referral id. If no one referred you just ignore this field.

Address Information
Connecting... Address cannot be longer than 50 characters.

Connecting... City cannot be longer than 25 characters.

Connecting... Zipcode cannot be longer than 10 characters. Example: V3Y2T6

Connecting... Please choose a Province

Contact Information
Connecting... Email cannot be longer than 100 characters and must be valid.

You will receive a confirmation email on this email address to activate your account.

Connecting... How did you hear about us?

This is not required, but much appreciated.

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