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Featured Rental Listings:00013
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Price per month:Free$9.95$29.95$59.95$124.95
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eRent: Interested in eRent (Online Rent Collection)? See below for details.
We accept: INTERAC Online Visa Mastercard American Express
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Frequently asked questions

General Questions:

Is there a free trial period?

Am I tied in to a long-term contract?

What hardware and software do I need?

Are there any other charges?

What payment options do you offer?

Is it safe to order from you?

Will you ever sell or give my email, or other entered emails, to anyone else?

If I cancel my account will you refund my monthly charges and other credits?

Questions specific to services:

What is Basic Rental Listings?

What is Hide Address?

What is Pictures per Listing?

What is Featured Rental Listings?

What is Tenant Management?

What is Rent Management?

What is eRent?

What is Discussion Forum?

What is Forms & Contracts?

Any other questions feel free to Contact Us.