Follow us on Twitter.
All the latest vacancies will now be posted on Twitter.
INTERAC Online now accepted
You can now pay for services like the Apartment Finder by using your Interac card. Click here to learn more about INTERAC Online
Pay your rent online with eRent
We are very proud to announce the launch of our brand new eRent service. With eRent you can pay your rent online directly from your bank account or choose to let your landlord handle it. Best of all you won't pay anything to use it!
Translate to other languages.
By popular request we've now added the option of translating to other languages. You can find the flags for each individual country on the top of each page. Currently we provide translations to Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian. If you would like another language please contact us.
Bookmark & Share.
We've now added a small bookmark widget on the right above the help icon. This provided easy access to the most used types of bookmarks.
Search for local businesses like groceries, restaurants etc.
On the maps you can now search for local business like grocery stores, cafes etc. This is great if you don't know the area. All you need to do is select a listing, use the search or click a city. On the map you will now find a small Search the map box on the bottom left where you can search.
Apartment Finder
The Apartment Finder is now live with even more new functions than before. You can now start & stop your Apartment Finder as much as you choose. You can also add as many as you'd like. You only pay for the ones that run. You can read more here.
Level has now been added
By popular request you can now specify the level of the apartment in your search.
Apartment Finder
The Apartment Finder is now ready completely free for testers. The Apartment Finder is an automatic emailer that will send you an email when an available apartment fitting your exact criteria is posted on
It is now possible to create a user on This will enable you to add favorite apartments, use the advanced search and much more. We have several things in the pipeline which we will be adding shortly also. One of them is our Apartment Finder which is an automatic emailer that will send you an email when an available apartment fitting your exact criteria is posted on
If you have any suggestions for improvement, bugs or anything don't hesitate to send us an email. We want to hear what you think. Please use the ? on the right top corner