With our advanced reporting tools you can track your various income sources with a few clicks.
Using our Rent Management module in conjunction with the Apartment Management and Tenant Management modules you now have complete control of your properties.
Interested in eRent?
With our eRent service you can now collect and issue electronic payments via Canada's Automated Clearing and Settlement System (ACSS).If you sign up with our eRent service collecting rent will be a thing of the past. The rent will go directly from your tenants bank account directly to your bank account automatically! Just imagine You can collect rent while on the golf course!
- Use far less time collecting rent.
- Track your income from anywhere in the world.
- Know exactly what you are making from each unit.
- Allow tenants to pay directly from their bank account to yours.
- Manually enter rent, security deposits, utility fees, parking and the sorts.
- Setup recurrent items based on your lease terms and the rent is collected automatically.
- Use our advanced reporting tools to quickly get the information you need.
You can read more about eRent here.
For pricing and more information on eRent please sign up for a free user. You can sign up here.