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Find Similar Apartments | Ottawa Apartments | Ontario Apartments

August 1st - 1er Aout


Address Misc
Suitenumber 6** Bedrooms 2
Address Clarke Bathrooms 1
City Ottawa Square Feet 800
Province Ontario Rent ($) 1200
Zip Code k1k0y5 Deposit ($) 0
Level Ground Terms
Carpeted Available September 1, 2011
Hardwood floors Dogs allowed
Furnished Cats allowed
Balcony Smoking allowed


  Spacious lower level 2 bedroom apartment near Montreal rd an Aviation pkw, 15 mins to downtown. Located in a quiet neighborhood near all amenities.  Features 2 living rooms, laundry room, storage spaces, 4 appliances included (fridge, stove, washer & dryer). Parking included (max 2 cars). Available September 1st, $1200/month *pictures will follow soon*

  Appartement 2 chambres près de la rue Montreal et promenade Aviation, à 15 minutes du centre ville.  Situé dans un cartier familiale près des commodités.  Caractéristique de l'appartement: 2 salon, salle de lavage, espaces de rangement, 4 appareilles ménager (réfrigérateur, cusinière, laveuse et sècheuse).  Stationement inclu (maximum de 2 autos). Disponoble a partir du 1er septembre, $1200.00/ mois *photos disponible sous peu*


Included in rent Appliances in suite Optional/In Building
Water Stove & Oven Washer
Heat Fridge Dryer
Electricity Dishwasher Parking
Cable Washer Internet
Internet Dryer Cable
Parking Microwave Disability Access
Security Fireplace Garbage Collection
Storage Airconditioning Storage
Window Coverings


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Name Sophie Lamadeleine
ContactContact Property Manager
Direct Link / Id http://www.rentmore.ca/apartment/2666/ (2666)

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