A newly renovatedlarge basement with separate entrance
in Aurora (Bayview and Bloomington) in a exclusive
spacious bedroom and a beautiful living room
kitchen with a brand new GE gas stove and
Full washroom
AC and Heating
to shopping malls, Schools, Library, Walk in Clinic, Bus stops, and
Aurora GO station, plus a ravine and a nature hike trail within 2 minutes
of the house
1/3 of Hydro,Gas,Water to be paid by tenant
Free access to use a shared laundry and dryer
Free Wireless Internet
One dedicated parking spot
No Pets and No Smoking Please
Available NOW
Optional: Also rent the large newly renovated entertainment room in
the basement as well for an additional fee (tdb) for a total space of
2500+ sq ft.
New! - Search for local businesses. Use it to find places (e.g. restaurants, cafes, groceries) around the map. Give it a try!
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- Never give detailed financial information like account numbers, social insurance numbers etc.
As always if someone attempts to scam you on Rentmore.ca please contact us with the details so that we can deal with the issue.
Contact Information
Please say I found your listing on Rentmore.ca when calling regarding this property.